Discover Your Identity and Walk Out Your God-given Purpose …..
So You Can Live Your Life to the Fullest!
Dear entrepreneur, small business owner, ministry leader, retiree or anyone who wants to live a joy-filled, purposeful life and leave a meaningful legacy –
Are you feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or lacking direction in your job or life-in-general?
Do you have a feeling that you have a greater purpose in life, but you just haven’t found the right path?
Are you ready to reach your potential and you don’t want to wait one more minute?
It’s not a question of if you want to know your purpose and reach your potential, but how do you discover it? How do begin to live out our dreams and desires?
Over the past 10 years, I have worked diligently and with great passion to learn how to discover and live out my purpose. Why?
I was outwardly successful in my 25-year consulting career, but inwardly stressed and unhappy. Work that was once challenging and energizing, drained me and kept me up nights. I discovered I was only working for a paycheck. I was miserable. I was going the wrong way!
In God’s perfect and wonderful timing, I discovered Identity and Destiny: 7 Steps to a Purpose Filled Life. It’s an amazing program that integrates WHO You ARE now with the exciting adventure of WHO YOU COULD BE if you pursue God’s vision for your life.
If you find yourself in a situation like mine…unfulfilled, stressed, going the wrong way…you can change your life. You don’t have to lead a mediocre life!
God does have a plan for you no matter your circumstances. He redeems and uses all parts of our lives for his purposes. He wants you to live your life to the fullest! All you have to do is believe that you have a purpose and take that first step to make a change.