My Identity in Christ

Discover who you are in christAs believers, we are often unaware of all that we have available to us through Jesus Christ. There is incredible FREEDOM and JOY when we understand and begin to walk in our TRUE IDENTITY in Christ, rather than our earthly identity.

Do you know your NEW IDENTITY in Christ? Have you discovered how to live out the truth of who God says you are in His Word each and every day? Do you know that declaring your identity can take you and your life to new heights of joy, love, and peace?

I have more than 50 scriptures to share with you that establish who you are in Christ and how to make God’s truths a reality in your life. Get your FREE list here: Who I am in Christ

Identity – Personality Style, Strengths, and Values


Discover your Strengths

Knowing and applying your strengths at work and home can have a significant positive impact on your success and personal happiness. When you are applying your strengths – what you naturally do best – you will accomplish more with less effort. BEING YOU will be easy. In contrast, trying to operate out of your weaknesses – what you don’t do well naturally – will require much more effort and create stress.

Want to know more? For a free survey of strengths, see the VIA Survey at

Personality Style

DISC personality assessmentA personality assessment like the DISC Profile helps you discover and embrace your unique strengths and other characteristics, and be a more successful and effective servant as a business owner or employee, spouse, parent, and friend. The test and evaluation report reveals how you think, your attitudes, how you might interact with others, potential feelings and impulses, and much more. The assessment doesn’t “put you in a box;” rather, it helps you understand you and those around you.

Interested in taking the assessment? It’s available online here.

Identity through Prayer and Hearing God’s Voice

One of the best ways to discover who you are and to grow in your destiny is through prayer. We are all called to an intimate relationship with God through communicating with Him and hearing His voice.

If you want to go deeper in prayer, the Tabernacle of Moses provides an excellent model for our prayer life. The different rooms of the tabernacle represent how we grow in intimacy with the Father. Like Moses and the priests, we can approach God and develop a deeper relationship through this model.