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Several years ago, I experienced a painful situation that demanded change. An important person in my life asked me to modify some behaviors damaging our relationship. Although surprised and hurt, I had a choice to make. Do I listen with an open heart and address the issues impacting our relationship OR do I chose to wallow in my hurt and be offended?

Restore Relationships

With God’s help, I sought to fix and restore the relationship. Staying stuck in offense was not an option because I deeply value this person. But, as old wounds were slowly revealed, I came close to walking away. Staying stuck in the familiar felt easier than changing some life-long patterns. Can you relate?

As I wondered about God’s purpose in letting me hurt and struggle, He met me in two amazing ways.

First, God poured out His perspective about my situation and continued to grow me when I opened my heart to receive! I write about the fruits of this transformation process in the10 Qualities of a Transformed Woman,a free gift available on my website. I encourage you to read it if you haven’t yet.

Secondly, the support of wise counsel and authentic friends made a huge difference in  restoring relationship. People with open hearts surrounded me and encouraged me to live according to my values. Like a good coach, they never advised me, but listened and asked thoughtful questions. They focused me towards God in difficult moments when I was angry and wanted to give up.

Although it was a long process, God began to heal my relationship with the help of these friends and accountability partners.

Does my journey resonate with you? Are you looking for support in a growth and change process? Where do you feel God is calling you to change? Is it in a personal relationship? Are you trying to change self-defeating behaviors or achieve an important goal?

Authentic Friendship with a Purpose

Sharing in a one-on-one coaching relationship with a friend or new acquaintance could lead to an authentic friendship. It could help you heal a relationship, like mine did, or accomplish other important goals. Together you learn to ask powerful coaching questions, provide accountability that encourages commitment to goals, and develop action steps that get done. 

If you are on the verge of a major change or want to grow in new directions, finding and coaching a friend or other accountability partner will help you reach much further than you can alone!

Hiring someone to coach you isn’t necessary. You and your friend can learn the basics of coaching and commit to meeting regularly to put into practice what you learn.

Find out more at Learn to Coach Your Peers. You can accomplish goals so much faster and with encouragement when you engage in community. Don’t do this alone! Without accountability to my goals and personal values, I might have walked away from an important relationship. 

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