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Large, destructive hail hit our city this summer. Thundering against the windows, I prayed urgently as the hail threatened our house! The golf-ball sized hailstones were the biggest I’ve experienced.

Once it was gone, we assessed the damage and began the process of getting our property repaired. Much house and car damage occurred in a brief 15-minute storm.

Isn’t this just like the storms of life? Unexpected events happen and can cause significant physical or emotional damage. Their lasting effects can change our next steps and even our life!

After the storm, we decided to do a little trailer shopping because we love camping with our family. Many hail-damaged trailers were advertised. Sure enough, we found a large trailer with some hail damage at a significantly lower price. Peace flooded my heart regarding our decision.….what’s a little hail damage? We are all dented and worn on the outside, right? It doesn’t change our true value.

Picking up the trailer a few days later, the salesman eagerly greeted my husband with exciting news. The dealer oversold their hail-damaged inventory. A brand new trailer, totally undamaged, was now ours for the same price as the damaged trailer. What a gift!

 Storms of Life Work Together For Our Good

Isn’t this just like God to bless us in unexpected ways. He doesn’t oversell his inventory like the trailer dealer. However, he does give us so much more than we ask for or often expect.

Romans 8:28 tells us:

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

He loves us and he wants us to live in the fullness of his love, trusting him, even in the storms.

Really? Where is God’s Goodness?

Although I am sharing a positive outcome and God’s goodness was tangible, destruction and tragedy can cause us to question God. The recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida turned people’s lives upside down. So much property damage occurred. It’s easy to ask “Where was God’s goodness in this storm?”

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1)

This means that God is always near to us, but he is even closer when we need him the most!  Sarah Thebarge, a blogger,  says it nicely: “God is good — not because he causes things that seem or feel good to happen in our lives, but because in the midst of the storm, God comes closer to us than the storm could ever be.”

Oh, how true this is!

Do you remember times when the storms of life felt overwhelming? But, days later, when you looked back, you saw God was there. He was clearly guiding you in your storm through answered prayer, people’s actions, and unexpected outcomes. Stories from Texas and Florida bear witness to God’s love pouring out through courageous neighbors and volunteers.

No matter our circumstances, we can always draw near to God. He remains constant and faithful whether in the hailstorms of Denver or the more devastating hurricanes in Texas and Florida. He is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1), and truly works everything together for our good (Romans 8:28).


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