Do you trust your rationale mind (your head) to guide your life, while often ignoring your desires and emotions (your heart)? If so, a heart issue or unfulfilled desire could be impacting your life. Here are a few signs:
Overreacting in some situations
Letting obstacles interfere in achieving your goals
Experiencing difficulty in decision-making
Hurting emotionally and unable to move forward
If you experience these challenges, you may try to discipline yourself to think or act differently. It’s how we do things in our western culture. As Nike says, “Just do it!”
But, is it successful?
For example, improving your productivity at home and at work is a high priority. You have so much to get done! You decide to set daily goals and avoid distractions. Yet, after a week, you find yourself struggling and stuck. Despite your best intentions, your attempt to discipline yourself just isn’t working.
The Head vs The Heart
Deep in your heart, on the emotional side of your brain, a desire is not being met. Your rational brain (your head) and your heart (your desire) are in conflict. Your deep desire is for more free time and your mind thinks increased productivity is the answer. Your heart and mind are in conflict.
Often your desires are overshadowed by old emotional memories and negative beliefs. If you were rewarded for achievement as a child, productivity comes first even when you deeply desire freedom. Make sense?
Jesus flips our rational approach upside down!
Jesus shows us throughout the New Testament that change is first about addressing the heart. Jesus wants us to bring our deepest desires to him and let him fulfill them. He wants to change us from the inside out. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).